Racism is and will always remain a central issue in most countries, which scars every aspect of economic, cultural and political life by overt or covert racism acts, either in an offensive loud bang or in a subtle manner.
In many ways racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination blur the line of accepted and unaccepted societal norms. That to subjugate others, either through perpetuation of violence or words is a phenomenon as old as time. Superiority by playing the race card to make others feel inferior is racism.
What is disconcerting are the racism facts, figures and the damage caused to the individual and society as a whole.
Facts on Racism: Our Perception
What is more disturbing than being a racist is the use of the term racist.
Facts on Racism: Our Perception
What is more disturbing than being a racist is the use of the term racist.
In the present era, politicians on both the left and right have used this term to tar their political enemies, as evident during an outburst in the session of Congress by O.E Wilson, a Republican politician from the U.S. state of South Carolina, upon which former President Jimmy Carter's assertion that
"there's an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president". The matter was cleared with an explanation and an apology. But it did bring to fore that racism is alive and kicking.
Over 62 million human beings in the last 100 years have paid a price for being racially different, tortured, subjugated and/or killed, this despite the 'advancement' in culture, science and technology.
Over 62 million human beings in the last 100 years have paid a price for being racially different, tortured, subjugated and/or killed, this despite the 'advancement' in culture, science and technology.
South Africa's apartheid, treatment meted to African-Americans, holocaust victims, harassment of the Tibetans and the indiscriminate killing of untouchables and those who belong to the 'wrong unfitting tribes', has created a world of 22 million plus and counting refugees, forced to abandon their homes and means of livelihood because of rampant and unchecked ethnic cleansing.
But I wonder why are we racist?
But I wonder why are we racist?
Does an individual really believe that the proof of superiority really comes through oppression of others.
Since ancient times, people have been 'categorized' or 'stereotyped', which has made discrimination easier. The root of the problem lies in our physical or cultural differences which involves skin color, language, religion or tribe, hence, the solution too comes from this problem of being different. Accepting, and maybe celebrating differences is just one way, educating ourselves on these differences is another, and just maybe, a zero tolerance attitude towards racism as an individual and a society could pave the way for less racism.
But, then we do not live in an idealistic society.
Facts about Racism: Statistics
To give an exact figure is always difficult, for how many are affected by racism through words, action or torture. Following are a few figures that stands witness to how gruesome this widespread menace is.
Africa: The enactment of apartheid laws in South Africa in 1948, institutionalized racial discrimination in every aspect of social life. Darfur genocide alone has claimed over 400,000 lives (the conflict is still on). The artificial boundaries imposed in Africa by European colonialism and imperialism, and hunt for minerals still draws blood. Read more on Africa and dictatorships: 1960-1977.
African American: The civil war was meant to change the lives of many African Americans, it did, marginally. An unofficial finding states that between 1836 to 1879, two African Americans were lynched in the United States every week. According to the Feb 2007, Commerce Department's Census Bureau findings, over 2.1 million African-American families live below the poverty level, and is nearly the most victimized group in America. Read more on racism against African Americans and lynching of African Americans.
Holocaust: The systematic annihilation of over six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II bears witness to hate crimes a single racist mind could inflict. However, it was just not the Jewish community that was hounded, other undesirables such as gypsies, Polish intelligentsia, Jehovah’s Witnesses, social democrats, homosexuals, communists, partisans, trade unionists, etc too were tortured in concentration camps and killed. Find out more about holocaust.
Tibetans: It has been over 50 years that the Chinese occupation of Tibet has resulted in untold suffering and destruction to the land and people of Tibet. Over 1,207,387 have been killed, tortured, kidnapped, imprisoned or exiled. Tibetans today are forced to build a home away from home. With no external assessment, it is hard to draw a figure.
Untouchability: Untouchability though practiced in many parts of the world, has never ceased to draw gruesome incidents mainly from India and a few other Asian counties. In India alone, over 170 million men, women and children have not been able to break the shackles imposed. With no more than 10-12% in the main streamline, this entire community faces the worst form of racial discrimination, not only from society, but from the government as well as the security forces.
One of the ugliest racism facts pertain to the reality that racism sees no geography, it is rampant, and in most cases state sponsored.
Facts about Racism: Statistics
To give an exact figure is always difficult, for how many are affected by racism through words, action or torture. Following are a few figures that stands witness to how gruesome this widespread menace is.
Africa: The enactment of apartheid laws in South Africa in 1948, institutionalized racial discrimination in every aspect of social life. Darfur genocide alone has claimed over 400,000 lives (the conflict is still on). The artificial boundaries imposed in Africa by European colonialism and imperialism, and hunt for minerals still draws blood. Read more on Africa and dictatorships: 1960-1977.
African American: The civil war was meant to change the lives of many African Americans, it did, marginally. An unofficial finding states that between 1836 to 1879, two African Americans were lynched in the United States every week. According to the Feb 2007, Commerce Department's Census Bureau findings, over 2.1 million African-American families live below the poverty level, and is nearly the most victimized group in America. Read more on racism against African Americans and lynching of African Americans.
Holocaust: The systematic annihilation of over six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II bears witness to hate crimes a single racist mind could inflict. However, it was just not the Jewish community that was hounded, other undesirables such as gypsies, Polish intelligentsia, Jehovah’s Witnesses, social democrats, homosexuals, communists, partisans, trade unionists, etc too were tortured in concentration camps and killed. Find out more about holocaust.
Tibetans: It has been over 50 years that the Chinese occupation of Tibet has resulted in untold suffering and destruction to the land and people of Tibet. Over 1,207,387 have been killed, tortured, kidnapped, imprisoned or exiled. Tibetans today are forced to build a home away from home. With no external assessment, it is hard to draw a figure.
Untouchability: Untouchability though practiced in many parts of the world, has never ceased to draw gruesome incidents mainly from India and a few other Asian counties. In India alone, over 170 million men, women and children have not been able to break the shackles imposed. With no more than 10-12% in the main streamline, this entire community faces the worst form of racial discrimination, not only from society, but from the government as well as the security forces.
One of the ugliest racism facts pertain to the reality that racism sees no geography, it is rampant, and in most cases state sponsored.
The expulsion of Palestinians, systematic killing of the Kashmiri Pandits, ethnic cleansing of Hazara tribe of Afghanistan, expulsion and murder of one million Albanian Kosovars from Kosova, and the list could go on.
But this needs to stop, progress for the sake of progress with no sincerity has severe repercussions.
To turn around and pin it as 'a thing that has been happening' does not help.
Racism is not just about killing an entire population; discriminating against the one who sits next to me, because they follow a different faith and ritual, or simply have features and skin color different than mine, makes me a racist.
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